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[2.0.14] Joining belt's items get added in front of a full straight belt

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2024 8:29 am
by pofigismo
11-06-2024, 10-10-20.png
11-06-2024, 10-10-20.png (2.03 MiB) Viewed 354 times

What did you do?
I placed a yellow belt, pointing it into another yellow belt, as shown in screenshot above.

What happened?
The items from the belt marked in blue get in front of the items on the red belt, despite the red belt being full.

What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
I expect the belt marked with a red line to have priority, and not let in items from the blue-marked belt, unless red belt has gaps.

Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
Always, on this exact tile. Moving the junction down by one solves the issue. Replacing it back at the same spot makes the issue re-occur.

I have posted a short video of this in action on a factorio facebook group: ... 9134138931

Save file added. Occurs on Vulcanus. Top-left corner of the base, right next to where the character is standing within this save.

Re: [2.0.14] Joining belt's items get added in front of a full straight belt

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2024 9:31 am
by Stringweasel
This is unfortunately in the Won't Fix category. It's not ideal, but likely no realistic way to solve it without killing performance. There are workarounds that you can try by moving things around, see the second link.


Re: [2.0.14] Joining belt's items get added in front of a full straight belt

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2024 9:43 am
by pofigismo
Ah, got it. 62553 I can understand with different belt speeds, but 72701 is identical to mine. Oh well, not a big issue, and if it's known and de-prioritized then all is good. It was just weird how it *only* does that on one specific tile. Feels like maybe that tile is somehow special... edge of chunk or something.. idk. Anyways, thanks for the info!