Dropping stacks of items into the inventory of an assembler is inconsistent and changed from 1.1.110
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2024 3:15 am
If you have an assembler that produces say firearm magazines, and you insert 99 iron plates into inventory of the assembler, you can insert another stack of 100 into the inventory to reach 199. However if you swap the order and insert the stack of 100 first, you can't insert the 99 as it claims "Cannot insert more items into this slot", if you even try to insert a stack of 1 into the slot it doesn't even work.
If memory serves however, in 1.1.110 if you tried to insert additional items it would "top up" to a specific value that was item dependent, usually related to the number of items the recipe consumes rather than give you an error. The topping up behavior was much easier to use and consistent.
If memory serves however, in 1.1.110 if you tried to insert additional items it would "top up" to a specific value that was item dependent, usually related to the number of items the recipe consumes rather than give you an error. The topping up behavior was much easier to use and consistent.