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Suggestion: Power poles should also change from yellow to green at max reach

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2024 12:02 pm
by OrangyTang
First time caller, long time listener, etc.

The new colour changes to show the max length for underground belts and underground pipes are super useful, and really help make longer stretches easier to place. It feels like power poles should get the same treatment? ie. change the yellow placement cursor to green when they're at maximum extension from a pole they're connecting to.

I appreciate that the unpaired nature of power poles makes this more complicated (unlike pipes and belts which always have one specific entity they're connecting to). Perhaps the green highlight should be on the existing pole(s) rather than the one you're about to place? Then if I'm placing a new pole I can easily see which nearby poles it's at maximum distance from.


Re: Suggestion: Power poles should also change from yellow to green at max reach

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2024 6:06 pm
by ncc1702
The connection lines for roboports should turn green at max distance too