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Game should remember last used/selected quality / planet

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2024 10:43 pm
by Sworn
The game should remember what was the last selected quality / planet.

It is extremely annoying to setup either higher quality builds or requester from station, because every single click you have to select the quality / planet again.
You place your assembler, now you select the recipe and quality, next time you open the recipe selection it should remain in the last selected quality.
Exactly the same for making requests from station to planet. Have to select the planet every single time is a pain in the a##.
11-03-2024, 22-45-57.png
11-03-2024, 22-45-57.png (1.14 MiB) Viewed 298 times
11-03-2024, 22-46-36.png
11-03-2024, 22-46-36.png (461.6 KiB) Viewed 298 times
It just drastically increases the amount of clicks one have to do to finish a simple action, that should be a 1 click action, 2 at most.
99% of the time you will be selecting the same configuration, since you are building like a assembly line for that quality, or a request for that station on that planet.
Yes you will still be able to select a new one, of course, and then the game will updates its last selected source.

Because it is just make the game more enjoyable, its a quality of life thing.
Having to re-select the source planet when you want to request a bunch of items from a planet is super painful, does not add anything to the game besides making the experience worst for no reason. Exactly the same for quality selection.

Should be default a common sense now a days to remember the last selected thing, regardless of if it is quality, planet, etc.
Have to manually select it adds nothing to the game play, it's more like mechanic that was left behind due to other priority, which would be fine, but since it getting stable now, would be a perfect time to get it implemented.

Re: Game should remember last used/selected quality / planet

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2024 7:01 am
by Sworn
I would even add that the "default import" tag is more useless than helpful. It is only relevant for science pack and that planet specific item that can only be made on each planet. Which is like less than 1% of the time. The other 99% of the time we have to keep re-selecting the import from and have to keep re-selecting the quality.

The game should just remember the last choice.
- Like I open an assembly to place a recipe, it should be already set at the last used quality, so we can just click on the recipe.
- Same for filters, should just have the last selected quality.
- Same for planets import from, should just have the last selected import from. Maybe, just maybe, auto select the import from for specific items like science pack and planet unique. If we really want to keep the "default import from" tag, then remove it from the rest 99% of the items, and when its NULL, just use the last selected planet, and if its specific, aka, item actually have only 1 place to be made, then auto select that. But at this point, would be better to just get rid of such tag.

Doesn't even need to be a "separated" memory for each kind of selection like assembler recipe vs filters. A simple last quality, regardless of where it was used, last planet would suffice already.

Re: Game should remember last used/selected quality / planet

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 5:04 pm
by LFarquaad
For planet selection, except for items that can only be produced on specific ones, I think no default might even be better than the current default. I too often forget to change the default, and have to come back 1h later to realise my mistake…

Regarding item/recipe selection, I think the already selected item & quality should be preselected when you open the selector, such that just closing/validating the window wouldn’t make any change. This is already the case when selecting items in conditions and filters, I think, but not when changing recipes – if you just close the window, you end up with an unconfigured machine.

A default quality for unconfigured machines might help as well (as per the OP).