So, I tried to figure out which autosave was the last good one.
Wrote a small bash script that runs a benchmark for one tick, and saves the output in different files.
Each Autosave is tested like this each 5 times. (and a bunch more during writing of the script)
Sadly, some have mixed results, where at least one log end in Goodbye, and at least one in some unexpected error. Sometimes the error are different for the same autosave, which as I gather indicates hardware issues rather than Factorio.
But, the overwhelming amount of errors I saw looked like this:
Code: Select all
Trying to make chunk at unreasonable position [26, 131107]
grepping for "unreasonable" results in 72 results out of 174 logs
24 autosaves end in error (124 logs)
3 autosaves are mixed (15 logs, 11 error, 4 ok)
7 are ok, 3 of which are autosaves, the other are regular saves by myself as sanity check (35 logs)
Other errors are all over the place, even on the same saves.
Weird to me is that the 3 ok autosaves are not at the beginning, or from a continuous range, it's number 30, 2, 3. but 1 is all errors. and mixed are 23, 24 and 26. The fatal Autosave was 19, but the oldest -also named 19- is also all errors.
I did the same thing on two other smaller machines now, they both produced identical results, but some are different from my desktop pc. Each save has the same log each time and the errors seem to stem only from the savegames themselves (chunk at unreasonable position as above, or "Error RuntimeError.cpp:24: Decompression failed: not enough room in the output buffer.")
Conclusion: it's my desktop pc that has an issue, I just don't know what or where.