Modding/Feature suggestion: rocket-like progress results
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2024 5:03 pm
I propose an idea of allowing assembling machines to have a result which is not a whole item, but gets added "progress" to it on each craft, like rocket silo works for assembling a rocket (if this was changed in SA I forgot). One use case I can see even in vanilla is Uranium Processing: instead of a chance for either U-238 or U-235 you can get a U-238 item and fill a progress meter towards getting a piece of U-235. This would make the recipe deterministic, and based on the existence of mods such as Deterministic Uranium Enrichment this is something some players might appreciate.
- More flexibility for modders
- Allows "less than one" recipe outputs without having to multiply ingredient and result amount to make the recipe deterministic
- The progress is lost when a machine is mined/destroyed or removed in any other way
- The progress is not shared between assembling machines and there is no way to transfer it from one machine to another