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Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2024 8:59 am
by Sworn
Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails
When you get in fulgora, you can make a train network with elevated rails in the lighter oil patches, but you can't place anything else.
Islands are far enough away that 99% of the time you can't reach from one island to the other, even with rare tier big power poles.
On top of that, the island that really have a good amount of resource are very small with no much space for a bunch of accumulators.
Yes, one could use the foundation that is unlocked on the last planet, but at the point you get it, its basically useless as one already have a properly working base to get there anyways.
Begin able to do rails but not power connections is kind of weird. By having big power poles being placeable in light oil patches just like elevated rails can would easily fix it
Because islands are too far apart to be connected with power, and too small to be self sustain with accumulators.
By the time one unlocks foundations, its already useless as one already have a good enough base.
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2024 9:54 am
by mmmPI
I think that it would remove one important part of the "challenge" in Fulgora, the puzzle is not only about how to deal with byproducts, but also in limited space. The fact that you can't connect the different island early/mid game is on purpose from what i understand.
There are "large island" with space but scarce ressources, and "small" islands, with rich ressources but no space. And electricity require space. So you are forced before foundations to compromise on how much space you dedicate to mining drill / accumulatorss / room for train station on each island.
If you could have those electric pole at the same time as your first arrival or "earlier than aquilo", then this part would not be present because you could always use a large island filled with acculumator to power all the outposts.
I think it follows somewhat of the same pattern as outposting on Nauvis, where on early game it's manual ( how to fit those accumulator on tiny island) but later you can automate with turret creep and robots in Nauvis, and you could just makea grid of substation in fulgora later with foundation.
However with all that said and done, i think the player could be more rewarded when trying to go for large power pole of higher quality with the idea of solving the challenge this way when 2 island are "close enough". I think it require observation, and investement into something based on it, and that should be rewarded and the quality power pole are underwhelming.
I would much prefer that to lowering the requirement for foundation or elevated big power pole.
I would prefer lowering the requirement for foundation, but i don't see how it could be "before aquilo" to elevated big power pole in comparaison between the 2. I think the later is my least favourite option because with force/super build , one can paste foundation or landfill when they are eventually available and that would obsolete somehow the item that would then serve only a temporary purpose imo. ( or more something for mods ).
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2024 1:44 pm
by Sworn
I would disagree, yes lowering the foundation requirements would remove the space constraints.
But just making the upgraded version of the big power pole so one can connect the grids wouldn't change it.
Space still minimal, hard to deal with trains and such. Not having the outpost being able to function simple because it does not have enough power, and not have any tool to deal with it is the issue.
I would still lower the foundation tech position as where it sits, is just almost useless, but that isn't really the point. Main point is power on fulgora over small islands
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2024 1:53 pm
by CyberCider
Sworn wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 1:44 pm
I would disagree, yes lowering the foundation requirements would remove the space constraints.
But just making the upgraded version of the big power pole so one can connect the grids wouldn't change it.
Space still minimal, hard to deal with trains and such. Not having the outpost being able to function simple because it does not have enough power, and not have any tool to deal with it is the issue.
I would still lower the foundation tech position as where it sits, is just almost useless, but that isn't really the point. Main point is power on fulgora over small islands
You have tools to deal with low power: Efficiency modules/beacons and quality accumulators. I also know steam power is possible, but I don’t know how it compares to just filling the same space with accumulators.
Most Aquilo unlocks (foundation, legendary, fusion, artificial spawners) are “useless” to the average player, they’re meant for megabasers.
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2024 10:34 pm
by Sworn
Most Aquilo unlocks (foundation, legendary, fusion, artificial spawners) are “useless” to the average player, they’re meant for megabasers.
exactly, that is kind of the point. Locking everything behind which is now super late tech is kind of not ok, but I'm not asking to redesign the entire thing, a simple big power pole with the same foundation you unlocks from the elevated rails works, as if you can make a sturdy enough structure to sustain a train, you can definitely pass a power cable
I would like to see how one does steam power in a island that there isn't enough space to even place accumulators...
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2024 11:24 pm
by bluegreen1024
I suspect this feature could be straightforwardly modded in by creating a duplicate power pole with different collision layers, but I have no skill with how to do the art to make it look like it has an elevated support. Unless Fulgora's oil ocean works very differently from pre-Space Age water placement restrictions? (I was actually surprised I didn't already find an existing mod for this, so perhaps it is not straightforward or I'm just not so good at searching the mod portal...).
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 6:09 pm
by felicaks
This may have no bearing on the issue, but a solution I've wondered about since first building these elevated rails on Nauvis has to do with adding adding small power "poles" that actually connect to the edge of the rails much like the signals do. I guess I was thinking of the "old west" days when telegraph lines were carried over long train line bridges. (At least I THINK they were.) Anyway, the ability to add these and small lightning rods to the edges of these same rails would be nice as well since you cannot place them anywhere in the oil oceans. (And, some of us do not have the best armor protection yet and really fear that lightning....haha.)
Does anyone know if the trains have been affected by lightning while traversing those passages?
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 7:47 pm
by AileTheAlien
Sworn wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 8:59 am
Because islands are too far apart to be connected with power, and too small to be self sustain with accumulators.
Do you have a screenshot of these islands? I've never seen one that's too small for accumulators, in my current map, and when I first tried this planet with the any-planet-start mod. Usually, I've got problems trying to fit the
train ramp so I can load the scrap onto a train for processing somewhere else. (Usually there's no room for two ramps and the rail.
CyberCider wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 1:53 pm
You have tools to deal with low power: Efficiency modules and quality accumulators.
I didn't even use quality stuff, and I was still mining the small, scrap-rich islands. Just very slowly...
felicaks wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 6:09 pm
Does anyone know if the trains have been affected by lightning while traversing those passages?
As far as I can see, trains and rail are immune from lightning, but cars and other non-lightning-rod buildings are not.
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 8:09 pm
by erronius
Have to disagree with this, I think it's perfect as is. I agree that part of the challenge of fulgora is you can't connect islands initially. That's the way it's supposed to be. I'm currently getting ready to bring foundation for the first time and excited to be able to connect islands and have one power network.
If you really don't like the current system there are various settings you can tweak.
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 8:51 pm
by Sworn
Most people seems to read it as a enable disable thing, is either you have it or you don't. The suggestion doesn't remove anything or is a on or off settings, one still have to get there, deal with the small island or big oil gaps, make the science, make some research, and at that point, one should be able to then deal with the gaps, power, oil fill, etc.
You already conquered that planet, made its research and tech, no downside for those who think it is perfect as is, and upgrade for those who don't think it is perfect as is.
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 10:41 pm
by AileTheAlien
If you did actually have an elevated power pole, you'd also need an elevated lightning rod as well, unless you're implying the elevated power pole is immune to lightning. (There was a suggestion for an elevated lightning rod, but I can't find it anymore.) I think the graphic would also look pretty weird, with a super-tall pole that has wires dangling off of it.
Maybe a research to make landfill work on the (shallow) oil ocean? Or a research to make power-conducting rail lines, using superconductors? That one seems even nicer, since I wouldn't need to place poles for my rails if I exported them off-planet.
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 10:53 pm
by EustaceCS
How's that "or-either" situation?
I'm failing to grasp logics of this suggestion.
Due to how Fulgora works, it's technically a planet-wide electric network with a drawback of ZZZZAP!ing stray players (and their cars) and occasional power spikes.
By sheer virtue of this, pole placement tech is redundant.
Since, well, you can connect to infinite (yet spiky) power supply from anywhere.
And there are no enemies nor other hidden time limits which could lock you out of progressing with convenience on Fulgora.
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 11:00 pm
by BlueTemplar
Sworn wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 1:44 pm
But just making the upgraded version of the big power pole so one can connect the grids wouldn't change it.
But it would : literally the first gap I looked at (between small to medium island) could be crossed by a legendary big power pole !
There might be even better opportunities if you search around the map ?
P.S.: And yeah, the lightning power density seems to be already dialed too high to have to bother with this anyway ?
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 12:53 am
by Sworn
BlueTemplar wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 11:00 pm
But it would : literally the first gap I looked at (between small to medium island) could be crossed by a legendary big power pole !
There might be even better opportunities if you search around the map ?
So, you are really suggesting to use an item that you don't even have access to.
When you get legendary, you also get foundations and also almost finished the game.
The other suggestion about having some sort of fill or construction that was allowed to be placed on light oil patch would be nice though, still allow to connect islands, especially those smaller ones, and one still have all the constraints.
AileTheAlien wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 10:41 pm
If you did actually have an elevated power pole, you'd also need an elevated lightning rod as well, unless you're implying the elevated power pole is immune to lightning. (There was a suggestion for an elevated lightning rod, but I can't find it anymore.) I think the graphic would also look pretty weird, with a super-tall pole that has wires dangling off of it.
Maybe a research to make landfill work on the (shallow) oil ocean?
+1 to this one
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 7:11 am
by Sworn
AileTheAlien wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 10:41 pm
Maybe a research to make landfill work on the (shallow) oil ocean?
Got inspired by this comment.
Made out this mod, that more or less do the same, it doesn't add another big power pole, it goes with the shallow oil tech suggestion.
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 10:34 am
by BlueTemplar
Sworn wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2024 12:53 am
BlueTemplar wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 11:00 pm
But it would : literally the first gap I looked at (between small to medium island) could be crossed by a legendary big power pole !
There might be even better opportunities if you search around the map ?
So, you are really suggesting to use an item that you don't even have access to.
When you get legendary, you also get foundations and also almost finished the game.
I am not, please read what I wrote again.
The other suggestion about having some sort of fill or construction that was allowed to be placed on light oil patch would be nice though, still allow to connect islands, especially those smaller ones, and one still have all the constraints.
No ?
I've yet to see an island not connected by shallow oil ocean - (almost) all constraints would be gone.
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 10:55 am
by BlueTemplar
Here you go, the 3rd small island I looked at can be connected by two mid-game power poles to a large island :
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 10:56 am
by Hiekie
I am also figuring out the power of Fulgora, i tried moving the 2 different sorts of concrete moving around the oil oceans and no luck.
If you were even able to place reinforced concrete (it must still be some kind of a challenge
) on the light oil oceans the powernetwork will maybe look a little bit messy, but some of the problems to connecting islands would then already be solved..
a suggestion would be then some third kind of concrete exclusive to fulgora (and must be unlocked with fulgora science) to use on deep oil oceans..
CyberCider wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 1:53 pm
You have tools to deal with low power: Efficiency modules/beacons and quality accumulators. I also know steam power is possible, but I don’t know how it compares to just filling the same space with accumulators.
Most Aquilo unlocks (foundation, legendary, fusion, artificial spawners) are “useless” to the average player, they’re meant for megabasers.
Steam power? Fulgora in my opinion can not deliver the amount of ice to convert to water needed to keep that running?
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 11:06 am
by BlueTemplar
Not sure, though water in 2.0 now expands to ×10 steam ?
But yet again, I'm confused as what you're actually doing to have power troubles on Fulgora ?!? (Especially early-Fulgora.)
Re: Add elevated big power pole in fulgura together with elevated rails, or lower foundation tech requirements
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 12:34 pm
i think making something similar to elevated rails, but something akin to the basic pole that can be placed on oil ocean would be neat. but the intent is definitely that you make multiple micro-bases and train it away, rather than one interconnected base