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Display Quality of Alerts from Programmable Speakers

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2024 1:11 pm
by Ymbirtt
Alert icons can have qualities, from Common to Legendary. When a programmable speaker shows an alert, the quality information is lost, and only the icon is shown. I think the quality should also be shown
I can configure an alert on a speaker with a quality, like this Legendary 5 alert:
Screenshot from 2024-10-27 13-06-48.png
Screenshot from 2024-10-27 13-06-48.png (210.47 KiB) Viewed 380 times
The speaker is currently alerting, meaning I've got a 5 in the bottom right corner, but its "legendary-ness" doesn't appear. I'd like the legendariness of my 5 signal to be maintained, like this:
Screenshot from 2024-10-27 13-06-48-fixed.png
Screenshot from 2024-10-27 13-06-48-fixed.png (220.52 KiB) Viewed 380 times
In my mockup, the alert icon in the bottom right corner is appropriately legendary.
In my very specific use-case, I'm using this icon to show a permanent clock on my HUD, splitting the day into 7 "Nauvis Hours" of 5 "Nauvis Minutes" each. A Nauvis Minute is 12 Earth seconds, and a Nauvis Hour is one Earth minute. I want to use these alerts like a wristwatch, so I know when night is about to fall and how much I need to worry about low accumulators before my solar panels kick back online. In this case, "Legendary 5" should be read as "5:4" - on Nauvis, it is hour 5, minute 4. Unfortunately, because the quality isn't shown, I can't see my own watch's minute hand!

I accept that my use case in particular is very very very niche, but I don't think I'm the only one who might want to vary the "intensity" of an alert using the quality icon as auxillary data. As another example off the top of my head, a player might want to use a common alert to mean that their accumulators are below 50% charge, and a legendary alert to show that they're below 10%.

Given I'm allowed to configure the quality of my alert, not displaying it on the HUD is quite surprising behaviour that almost feels like a bug.

Re: Display Quality of Alerts from Programmable Speakers

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2024 1:46 pm
by Ymbirtt
Having rummaged around the forums a bit, I've found this thread which is almost certainly a bug report that duplicates my suggestion: viewtopic.php?f=182&t=117363&p=624953&h ... ty#p624953

It's currently in "Assigned" status - does this mean I needn't worry about my own thread? Do I need to do something with it?

Re: Display Quality of Alerts from Programmable Speakers

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2024 1:19 pm
by BlueTemplar
Consider also this suggestion as both a potential future alternative, and maybe also a fix to your issue :

Re: Display Quality of Alerts from Programmable Speakers

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2024 11:18 am
by Koub
Ymbirtt wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2024 1:46 pm Having rummaged around the forums a bit, I've found this thread which is almost certainly a bug report that duplicates my suggestion: viewtopic.php?f=182&t=117363&p=624953&h ... ty#p624953

It's currently in "Assigned" status - does this mean I needn't worry about my own thread? Do I need to do something with it?
I will try to keep an eye on the bug report, and move this thread to "Implemented" when/if the bug is fixed, but no promises : I am lagging behind in my moderation ^^'.