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[2.0.11] Decider combinator only shows first condition to be true if all are true

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2024 9:54 pm
by Greaka
I have a decider combinator that shows the first subquery to be true only when all conditions are met.
10-26-2024, 23-46-51.png
10-26-2024, 23-46-51.png (372.17 KiB) Viewed 247 times
10-26-2024, 23-48-28.png
10-26-2024, 23-48-28.png (375.2 KiB) Viewed 247 times
I understand it, now that I went to the editor and explored it, but given that subqueries usually show green when they are truthy, ignoring the other subqueries, I was not sure if there was a bug somewhere in my system.


Code: Select all


Re: [2.0.11] Decider combinator only shows first condition to be true if all are true

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2024 10:57 am
by Tobias1595
This is not a bug, this is a deliberate choice made specifically for conditions containing the "Each" signal.

It's possible to setup conditions like e.g. "Each > 10 AND Each < 100", where it's tricky to find highlighting rules that are both intuitive and easy to implement. Therefore conditions with "Each" show as off/false by default.

If you hover your mouse over a signal in the list of input signals, the conditions will highlight as if the "Each" signal got replaced with the hovered signal, allowing you to check each signal on its own. So in your example, in the first picture the second condition would have lit up if you had hovered either the red or green nuclear fuel cell signal.

Please also note that due to performance implications the highlights and the signal lists also consist of a mix of data from the current tick and the previous tick. This is barely noticeable in regular gameplay, but should be kept in mind for editor use with entity ticking paused.