[2.0.10] Unable to pickup armor when dead body's inventory is full
Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2024 4:24 pm
Right now there is an issue i am having when I die.
-I try to grab my body but since i am not wearing armor my body has more inventory that I can pickup.
-While attempting to pickup my body my armor is at the bottom and it doesn't equip the armor most of the time because it can't put it in my inventory.
-When I have multiple armors it equips the oldest armor before the newer types.
Like almost 100% of the time with a full inventory in my dead body i can never pickup my armor. As most time I am trying to retrieve my body from a combat situation it is not great when I can't pickup my armor or my weapons.
What i expect to happen: When I pickup my corpse the game should equip the highest tier armor (Power armor MK2 > Power armor > Modular armor) on the body then attempt to pickup the rest of the stuff. I would even say that the armor should not need a free space in your inventory to be able to be equipped. I think this can easily be done by sorting the inventory backwards (or at least while attempting to mine your body to calculate it as backwards)
Sorting the inventory backwards would have another positive effect as it would equip other guns before pistols.
Body before pickup

Body after pickup

-I try to grab my body but since i am not wearing armor my body has more inventory that I can pickup.
-While attempting to pickup my body my armor is at the bottom and it doesn't equip the armor most of the time because it can't put it in my inventory.
-When I have multiple armors it equips the oldest armor before the newer types.
Like almost 100% of the time with a full inventory in my dead body i can never pickup my armor. As most time I am trying to retrieve my body from a combat situation it is not great when I can't pickup my armor or my weapons.
What i expect to happen: When I pickup my corpse the game should equip the highest tier armor (Power armor MK2 > Power armor > Modular armor) on the body then attempt to pickup the rest of the stuff. I would even say that the armor should not need a free space in your inventory to be able to be equipped. I think this can easily be done by sorting the inventory backwards (or at least while attempting to mine your body to calculate it as backwards)
Sorting the inventory backwards would have another positive effect as it would equip other guns before pistols.
Body before pickup

Body after pickup