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[2.0.10] Superconductor recycles into itself

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2024 3:51 pm
by RantingBob
What did you do?

Attempted to recycle superconductors to "quality shuffle" superconductors.

What happened?

The superconductor recycled into itself

What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!

Given it was made in an EM plant, I would have expected it to recycle into it's solid components (and it doesn't appear to be a chemical plant recipe, so I would expect it to work).

Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?


Re: [2.0.10] Superconductor recycles into itself

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2024 8:48 pm
by boskid
Duplicate 116375