[2.0.7] Item not buildable after handcrafting while placing ghosts of that item
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2024 8:45 pm
To reproduce the bug: place a ghost of a buildable entity that you do not have in your inventory. Craft some of that item, but before the first craft finishes, make sure to use the pipette tool to select the ghosted item (that you are currently crafting). When the crafting finishes, you won't be able to place the item, the cursor will stay in ghost mode. To be able to build, you first have to clear your cursor, and then pipette the ghosted building again. Then the cursor will be in build mode again.
I do have the setting enabled: "Pick ghost item if no items are available". This puts the cursor in ghost mode when pipetting the ghost building of which I have none in my inventory.
I do have the setting enabled: "Pick ghost item if no items are available". This puts the cursor in ghost mode when pipetting the ghost building of which I have none in my inventory.