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Web Access
Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:27 pm
by zer0t3ch
I don't know if this exists by default in LUA, or if you already have support for it in Factorio, but is there (or will there be) some way to access files on the web?
Re: Web Access
Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:23 pm
by cube
It's not in Factorio and I don't believe it is in lua without additional libraries (which you cannot use in Factorio).
Re: Web Access
Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:29 pm
by zer0t3ch
cube wrote:It's not in Factorio and I don't believe it is in lua without additional libraries (which you cannot use in Factorio).
Is there any chance of it being added?
Re: Web Access
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:00 am
by SilverWarior
I don't belive LUA has HTTP or FTP support by default.
I also don't belive the developers would ever include it into the game as it could pose as securty risk, same as direct FileAccess control that is natively supported by LUA.
Remember ComputerCraft from Minecraft? The main reason why it was banned from most multiplayer servers is becouse it posed a security risk since it used full LUA support. With the right coude you could easily make yourself a MOD and thus alow yourself to Grief the server.
Re: Web Access
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:11 am
by zer0t3ch
>_> So much for my autoupdating mod. (Or one that can at least tell you when there's a new update) I guess my mod manager will have to becpome a reality... :3
Re: Web Access
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:52 am
by ssilk
For a BTN-mod-manager - a proof of concept, better than nothing - I think this is now the right time, yes.
But managing mods is in my opinion a part of the main-game, because at every other point there are ugly security issues! The good-will of a mod-creator is no question, but reality shows, that if you can do everything, everything is done. Either to purpose or to dullness.

And further: Perhaps mods can have different "security-levels" and the user must allow it, after installed. I think for example to the iPhone: An app must ask the user, if he allows to send messages, to access the pictures, to get the location etc. Like so for mods: The user is asked if the mod is allowed to access internet (to an address), to have a global storage (and how much), to modify tiles or items which are not base-game-logic, to access all files on harddisc (I wouldn't allow that!

) etc.
It's just, that in the moment, when the mod executes a function a requester pops up and asks the user. Or when downloading it with a "mod-manager" you can check the allowed actions, if the mod provides informations about the needed rights.
Re: Web Access
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:18 am
by cube
zer0t3ch wrote:>_> So much for my autoupdating mod. (Or one that can at least tell you when there's a new update) I guess my mod manager will have to becpome a reality... :3
:-O, someone wants a updating mod! We were toying with the idea of updating mods when doing the autoupdater. There are some security problems with it, though, and some other issues to keep us from being responsible for mod breakages, but it might be doable. I'll think about it.
Re: Web Access
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:43 am
by ssilk
cube wrote:There are some security problems with it, though, and some other issues to keep us from being responsible for mod breakages, but it might be doable. I'll think about it.
Yes, when having such thing it must be clear, that the modder is responsible. For your thoughts: There might be mods, which you are responsible and others, which you are not. This has consequences for the update. The one type can be updated automatically, the other the user should be asked or check a button to also autoupdate.
Re: Web Access
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:42 pm
by SilverWarior
Another idea for autoupdated mods would be to alow users to upload their mods to special server and then theese mods needs to be verified first by some mods beta testers before they are available to everyone.
It can also be posible that after some time a modder can get special status which grants him the ability to publish updates to his long existing mods without the need for this updates to go through verification system. Such status can be granted to certain modder by the game developers itself for publishing buggfree mods for longer time.
But this would require a team of volunters for testing the mods. We can't expect developers to do this on their own othervise they will have no time for game development itself.
Re: Web Access
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:58 pm
by ssilk
SilverWarior wrote:Another idea for autoupdated mods would be to alow users to upload their mods to special server and then theese mods needs to be verified first by some mods beta testers before they are available to everyone.
Yes, that's just a third button: "trust verified third party mods" or whatever this is then.
All what is needed are different levels of trust and responsibility.
It can also be posible that after some time a modder can get special status which grants him the ability to publish updates to his long existing mods without the need for this updates to go through verification system. Such status can be granted to certain modder by the game developers itself for publishing buggfree mods for longer time.
Hm. That's easy. If the mod is in one of the lists, which is trustable, then it gets the status of that list.
But this would require a team of volunters for testing the mods. We can't expect developers to do this on their own othervise they will have no time for game development itself.
I would say let them do that as ever, with the minimum amount of time the best solution, which does what's needed and nothing more. The rest will find.
Good ideas or solutions show their worth by finding no dead end in the time they are worth to think about their possibilities.
Re: Web Access
Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:18 pm
by SHiRKiT
Rather than creating a new topic, I'm going to ask it again on the same topic, although it's a three year unearth, I feel it's better.
Can we now do HTTPs requests? Or some sort of internet communication? I was toying around with an idea of a trading system, but it would drastically change if it would be same server only.
Re: Web Access
Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:25 pm
by Oxyd
SHiRKiT wrote:Can we now do HTTPs requests? Or some sort of internet communication?
Re: Web Access
Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:55 pm
by searker
SHiRKiT wrote:Rather than creating a new topic, I'm going to ask it again on the same topic, although it's a three year unearth, I feel it's better.
Can we now do HTTPs requests? Or some sort of internet communication? I was toying around with an idea of a trading system, but it would drastically change if it would be same server only.
Since the basic gist of the OT was to auto-update mods, that might/should get possible with the 0.13 Mod-Manager.
Personally, i´d find it kinda cheaty to "trade" items between servers/worlds; That would just take away the automation or exploring/expanding aspect of the game.
Re: Web Access
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 12:22 am
by SHiRKiT
searker wrote:SHiRKiT wrote:Rather than creating a new topic, I'm going to ask it again on the same topic, although it's a three year unearth, I feel it's better.
Can we now do HTTPs requests? Or some sort of internet communication? I was toying around with an idea of a trading system, but it would drastically change if it would be same server only.
Since the basic gist of the OT was to auto-update mods, that might/should get possible with the 0.13 Mod-Manager.
Personally, i´d find it kinda cheaty to "trade" items between servers/worlds; That would just take away the automation or exploring/expanding aspect of the game.
Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't, it's a matter of perspective. I was just toying with the idea, but I'll just forget about it.