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Better visuals for locomotive orientation during placement

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2024 9:40 pm
by solarer
Add bright arrows to indicate which direction of a locomotive is facing forwards when placing it.
What ?
I play on a rail world and often need to place a single locomotive from my inventory to drive to outposts. When zooming out it becomes almost impossible to tell which way the locomotive is facing during placement because front and back look quite similar. Especially at night or when trees are in the way. What makes things worse is that the locomotive has a green color overlay while holding it over a piece of rail where placement is possible - this further obfuscates the visual difference between front and back of the locomotive. (The mouse cursor is invisible in the screenshots but in game it also covers up part of the train when holding it.)
green_overlay.JPG (76.71 KiB) Viewed 573 times
night.JPG (32.46 KiB) Viewed 573 times
night2.JPG (34.96 KiB) Viewed 573 times
train_ghost.JPG (75.15 KiB) Viewed 573 times

I would like to see some bright arrows during placement to indicate which way the locomotive is facing. The same thing we have for train signals, stations and inserters. There are also indicators for fluid out- and inlets of oil pumps, refineries, chemical plants etc. The same could be done for trains:
Something like this
grafik.png (1.4 MiB) Viewed 573 times
Bonus points if the initial orientation automatically matches the closest rail signal. I use one directional tracks and never drive on the wrong side. So placing a locomotive the wrong way around is never desired by me. Even when using trains with a backwards locomotive at the end it would be beneficial to know that the placement always starts in the direction of the train signals. That way I can just hit 'R' without thinking about it when placing the backwards locomotive.

Here are 2 old threads about this topic but they focus on the automatic (smart) placement of the locomotive and potential issues when using bidirectional trains etc. I would like to see automatic rotation but just highlighting which way is front would help so much already.

Re: Better visuals for locomotive orientation during placement

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2024 5:27 am
by picklock

Re: Better visuals for locomotive orientation during placement

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2024 8:05 pm
by protocol_1903
+1, especially with elevated rails coming soon

Re: Better visuals for locomotive orientation during placement

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2024 8:07 am
by Kyralessa
I agree with this. The locomotive can look pretty ambiguous when it's being placed.

Re: Better visuals for locomotive orientation during placement

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2024 1:33 pm
by Amarula
Yes please!