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Small Question

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2024 3:36 pm
by Galunoth

I've just started a new game, after a big one (about 300 hours of play) in modded mode. I'm rediscovering the game in vanilla and it's a pleasure. However, I'm a bit worried about one thing: I'd like the minerals not to touch each other when I launch the game. Any ideas on how to remedy this?

Thanks for your help

Re: Small Question

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2024 4:47 pm
by Tertius
This overlapping is random. Usually, it only happens sometimes in the start area but not with the "real" resource patches out in the field. If you want to start without overlapping, enter the preview during map creation, so you see if you got overlapped resource patches, then click the "randomize seed" button next to the seed as long as overlapping patches appear.
Personally, I pick the start area. I randomize as long as 1) there are no overlapping resource patches in the start area, 2) enemy nests are not too near, 3) strategically placed water, so I'm able to defend against enemies more easily, 4) forest-covered starting area (so pollution will dissipate and not spread) and if 5) there is one oil patch visible somewhere, this map has a winner!

But see it as challenge. Use splitters with filters to separate ores on the belt. And in the first place, place the mining drill carefully to not set it on 2 different ore types. If you hold a drill in hand and hover over a resource patch, inspect the detail at the right side of the screen: the expected ore at the current position is displayed. Move the mouse until just one ore type will appear, then place it, so just this ore will be mined by this drill.