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LTN + Cargo Ships - Network masking bug

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 12:51 pm
by Olav152
I have encountered a bug with network ID masking for ports.

All stations are set to id=2, but I get "No station in network 0x08" and in LTN manager I see that:
a: my depots have ID of 8
LTN bug2.png
LTN bug2.png (2.31 KiB) Viewed 330 times
b: my requesters have ID of 4
c: my provider has ID of 2
LTN bug.png
LTN bug.png (7.2 KiB) Viewed 330 times
Additionally, sometimes, when I manually change combinator settings the ships will be scheduled properly and run ok, until I reload save.

All stations are properly connected with wires to the lamps.

Additional screenshots with combnators for depot and requester.