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Allow cross-surface cutscenes

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 4:37 pm
by asher_sky
With the impending Space Age expansion adding more planets to explore, it would be really nice to be able to create cutscenes showing entities on surfaces other than the one the engineer is currently on.

This has been a long-requested feature from SE players for my trainsaver mod, and I’m certain it’ll come up again once people start building their space age factories. I have considered workarounds like temporarily teleporting the player to the target surface, but would vastly prefer if the game could handle that instead.

Thanks for your consideration :)

Re: Allow cross-surface cutscenes

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2024 8:46 pm
by PennyJim
Having seen the physical surface stuff on the 2.0 changelog preview, this just makes sense to me.

I can understand the reluctance and maybe practical difficulties for making a single cutscene cross-surface, but letting modders manually do their own transition into a cutscene on another surface is a good solution.

Besides asher_sky's use, I can imagine a mod that provides cutscenes introducing enemies on first encounter, wanting to pull the character away from whatever surface they're currently on.

Re: Allow cross-surface cutscenes

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2024 8:54 pm
by protocol_1903
If not cross-surface cutscenes, allow players to "splice" different cutscenes together by perhaps specifying a next_cutscene (idk how the cutscenes are setup but something like that should work) this would be basically the same thing, while also allowing more seamless transitions between different cutscenes.