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UI opacity setting

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2024 6:07 pm
by Epb7304
Allow the UI opacity to be changed via the settings

What ?
Currently, all UI in the game is set to 100% opacity (completely opaque), I am suggesting a setting that will allow players to change the opacity of the windows that are in use. This would operate much like how it does in another game that I play called Space Engineers, whose opacity setting just changes the visibility of the background of windows, and tends to keep it higher around key areas to maintain visibility. This would also be very similar to how the research menu works, as the tech tree on the right side has no background (or 0% opacity)

This could even be set on a per-window basis, like how we set train colors or blueprint names.
This would be a good change as it would allow players to continue to see things around them when they have any UI element open, like an assembler, combinator, or inventory. This feature would be especially useful for those (like me) who use high amounts of quick bars (I use 4) as it would allow me to be able to see as effectively below me as I can above me.