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[0.6.1] Underground belt placement involuntary rotation

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:10 pm
by Holy-Fire
When you place an underground belt, the cursor switches to placing a 180-degree rotated belt.

This probably has something to do with the fact the underground belt directionality is defined not by the direction of flow, but by the relative position of the belt and the underground (which is strange in itself). Given this, the game prepares to set up the corresponding exit belt.

However, a rotated belt means it can now be placed in the same square as the one you've just placed. This would be harmless if it weren't for the fact that if the mouse button is held, for every pixel of movement a new belt will be placed, the belt will be rotated.

So if I click while the mouse still has some momentum, the belt will be rotated multiple times, ending up in a random orientation. This makes placing underground belts very frustrating.

Re: [0.6.1] Underground belt placement involuntary rotation

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:07 am
by ssilk
Suggestion: while having belts or pipes, press U, next two belts/pipes are underground in- and output (if in inventory, otherwise maybe autobuilt), or leave this mode with U.

Re: [0.6.1] Underground belt placement involuntary rotation

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:23 am
by slpwnd
Simple solution here would be that the belts to ground would not be "fast replaceable" for the belt to ground of the same kind (you couldn't build a yellow belt to ground over another yellow one with different direction). You could still build a red belt to ground over a yellow one as that is useful (when upgrading).

I don't quite understand what you mean.

Re: [0.6.1] Underground belt placement involuntary rotation

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:20 am
by slpwnd
For the 0.6.2 the belt to ground will not fast replace the belt to ground of the same type (rotation only difference).

Re: [0.6.1] Underground belt placement involuntary rotation

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:23 pm
by ssilk
slpwnd wrote:I don't quite understand what you mean.
You have belts in your hand. Perhaps place belts. Then you see: Oh, I need an underground belt.
Now instead of going to the inventory, selecting underground belts, place one underground belt, place the other, select normal belts again you press "U".
This autoselects the appropriate underground-item, you can place it, you can place the second, then [Hm - I see I must change here my suggestion] you press U again and because you have selected an underground-item, the appropriate upper-ground item is autoselected.
So "U" does nothing else than switching between underground- and upperground-items. (forget about the autobuilt)
Edit: Eventually it remembers the direction when going from upper- to underground, so when switching from under- to upperground the item has the right orientation.