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PvP faction war

Posted: Fri May 17, 2024 4:43 am
by TopPredator
I would like to play the vanilla PvP on a 24/7 server till world domination. Prolbem is that anyone can join any team. Are there any options or mods where you can team up with other players by inviting them?


Re: PvP faction war

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:53 pm
by TioQueToca74
I don't know if there's a mod, but what I can say, is that it can be implemented by overriding the on_player_changed_force and defining a custom "add_to_team" command or UI, just note that afaik, pvp is not played in Factorio due to hard to balance, only bitter battles is played

I can implement that "Team invite" mod if it doesn't exists, but I will wait to see if any other dude says it already exists

what's your exact idea?

Re: PvP faction war

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2024 2:25 pm
by ZwerOxotnik
Are there any options or mods where you can team up with other players by inviting them?
There are several ones: ... =relevancy