Hedning1390 wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 8:40 pmYou cannot convince me that they have placeholder baggage in the game 4 years after the full release [...]
Yea, of course you would think that way. Yet you would wonder how much placeholder stuff most projects carry around for ages. In my country there is a saying "Nothing lasts longer than temporary solutions". xD
Anyway here are the first original plans for the Space Platforms:
It was as early as February 2015. That is now more than 9 years ago. ^^
Things always take longer or go a different path from what you optimistically think they would. Once you lead a project you will know that.
Hedning1390 wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 8:40 pm[...] which in turn was after 4 years in EA. EA is where you do minor tweaks to recipes, not 4 years after the full release. If you want to still change recipes for space age there's nothing preventing them from doing that. Plenty of mods change the recipes for that mod only without requiring wube to mess with the base game.
The game was longer in EA than 4 years. I think it entered general EA in 2014 or something; at least that is how long I have been on the forum already; back then you had to buy the game from the Factorio site instead from Steam. I think the crowdfunding for Factorio even was as early as 2013 or whenever that was. Back then Wube didn't even have a company name and it was like 2-man team with Kovarex and such. That is like dark ages already. Somehow I even have the feeling like I touched an even earlier version at some point already where most machines even had placeholder graphics and such; I can't remember it all anymore because it is so long ago. ^^
And Factorio released in 2020. So that makes it at least 6 if not 7 years in EA.
Also I totally witnessed tons of major things being added/completely changed during the EA as well. Not just minor tweaks.
But it doesn't matter if it is not in Early Access anymore. I have witnessed tons of major things to change after games were released in all kinds of games over the years of my gaming experience. Why would Factorio be a difference; especially after they long since announced there would likely be an expansion eventually.
In life you often have to part with something existing that outlived its purpose to make room for more. That is the price of progress.
Hedning1390 wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 8:40 pmSo now the ending will be a whimper instead of the crowning achievement that it was supposed to be, because in a mod was moved to early tech.
Dude, get a grip. ^^
We don't fully know yet if the "base" ending will be turned into a "whimper" or not. Knowing them they will likely still require you to throw tons of resources into launching a single rocket in the base game.
That they will tweak it down if you have the Space Age expansion enabled might not even have an effect on the base game without the expansion. And the expansion will likely have its own, new final "ending".
You can start the crying when the 2.0 update/expansion is out and the Rocket Launch in the base game has been nerfed to oblivion.
But then I am sure you will not be the only one complaining;, but rather an army of non-expansion owners will flood the forum begging them to make it more worthwhile again. I have the feeling the devs have enough common sense to know that already and likely won't let it come to that. ^^
Hedning1390 wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 8:40 pmNot true. I think you could load up a 0.18 base and it'll work fine. Maybe even 0.17 (I think that's when they did the final changes to the science packs). Certainly I can load up a base I built on release (1.0) and everything will work. I have that base and I have continued in it without issue, so I know that for certain.
That some "minor" versions "broke" the game is true. However it was more common for minor versions to break stuff during the earlier days of the Early Access. Hasn't happened as much in the later, more mature versions because most things were eventually "cast in stone" at some point with no major breaking points necessary anymore.
Or at least with the later versions they entered a phase where you as project manager think about certain parts "meh, this is sh*t, but it is not worth changing and breaking everything again, so let's just leave it as it is for now"; in the hopes that eventually there will be an opportunity to go back and re-do it properly eventually.
That point has come with 2.0 now. Because with 2.0 so many things will change that it is a good opportunity to work on all the backlog of stuff they didn't want to break. I am sure there is almost like no line of program code left that has not been touched in some way between 1.1 and 2.0 because if you have the chance to re-do it you do it all in one fell swoop. So it is unlikely that the transition will be a total smooth ride.
If I had to take a guess since they are already feature complete for 2.0/expansion for quite a while already I am sure there is already again some things they would have done differently for 2.0/Expansion in retrospective despite 2.0/expansion not even being out yet. But they can't do it for 2.0 anymore because it would take too much work to change it yet again. Such is project management. ^^
Whatever; I am still sure they will do what they can with conversion scripts. But I am sure some things you will still have to fix manually (which is rather a "soft" break). Maybe a few things are not fixable at all ("hard" break).
They will likely give a warning about those things anyway when the time comes, at least that would be the sensible thing to do. ^^