Filter inserters: Prioritise item pickup based on Set Filter signal levels
Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 3:46 am
When Set Filters from circuit network is used on a Filter Inserter, prioritise what item the inserter picks up by sorting the items by the level from the circuit network.What ?
Currently, circuit signals can control the item whitelist for Filter Inserters by sending a positive signal for an item.When picking from a chest, Filter Inserters seem to randomly pick from the items on the whitelist. This feature request would change that behaviour to deterministically pick items on the whitelist in priority order using the level of the circuit signal.
For example, if a filter inserter is setting filters based on circuit signal, and is whitelisting with received signals of:
- coal 10,
- iron ore 2, and
- copper ore 1,
Why ?
Filter inserters with a whitelist taking items from a chest seem to choose items from the whitelist randomly rather than fairly, which can result in starvation even though items of the required types are in the chest.Overcoming this by only sending a signal of the preferred item, means that when none of the preferred items are available. Other items will not be inserted, and time/belt space is lost.
This is critical when unloading from multi-item buffers, especially in space-constrained builds.