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Request for new tag/category

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2024 3:41 pm
by Pi-C
Please add a new "Character" tag (or even category) for the mod portal!
During the past two years, a number of mods providing new player characters have been released (see the dependency list on my character-selector mod miniMAXIme -- there may still be others I'm not aware of). While some of these mods may affect game play (e.g. by changing inventory size, reach etc.), most of these mods are about changing the appearance of the player character in the game by changing graphics/animations and, possibly, sounds. Especially in multiplayer games, this allows players to better identify each other (player color is no longer the only distinction).

In my opinion, none of the tags available as of today really covers such mods. One tag ("Cheats") has the description "Play it your way" -- but obviously, using different graphics for your character is not really cheaty but rather a matter of personal taste.

A new category "Characters" could make sense as well. Among the categories currently available, "Tweaks: Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics" seems the one to fit best. However, I wouldn't call the changes to graphics "small" as most of the character mods are not about scaling or recoloring the vanilla character, but create new characters from scratch.

Re: Request for new tag/category

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2024 4:08 pm
by ChakatStormCloud
This, for the love of god this, searching for character replacements is a nightmare at present. Since there's really no good way to search for them, other than a handful of keywords that get used intermittently in the description, if there even is one. I've had more luck searching by mods that depend on the character helper mod, to the point that close to half of them I was only able to find through that method, and meaning there's probably still a handful of ones I've missed.

Re: Request for new tag/category

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:13 pm
by UselessAqua
Yes, please. I don't won't to get bothered by people that tag there characters with literally all tags available and no option to report/block those creators.

Re: Request for new tag/category

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 11:22 pm
by heyqule
They should add one for planets too.

Re: Request for new tag/category

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2025 9:18 am
by Dae
+1 for planets