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[1.1.100] Blueprint overwritten despite not clicking "Save blueprint"

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 7:38 pm
by tensheapz
Using the "Select new contents for the blueprint" when editing an existing blueprint does not respect the "Save blueprint". In other words, the blueprint is changed as soon as the new content of the blueprint is selected, even if user never clicks Save blueprint and instead clicks the X after selecting new content, the old blueprint is lost.

Explanation / steps to reproduce
With an existing blueprint, open it up with Right Click. Note it has 4 wooden boxes
With an existing blueprint, open it up with Right Click. Note it has 4 wooden boxes
20240103062805_1.jpg (1.09 MiB) Viewed 619 times
Click "Select new contents for the blueprint."
Click "Select new contents for the blueprint."
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Using mouse, select new contents, note now only 2 wooden boxes
Using mouse, select new contents, note now only 2 wooden boxes
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Blueprint dialog immediately shows 2 wooden boxes, which is correct. However, we want to discard changes, so we click X in top right of the window
Blueprint dialog immediately shows 2 wooden boxes, which is correct. However, we want to discard changes, so we click X in top right of the window
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Blueprint in inventory is still 2 wooden boxes, not the original 4 even though we wanted to discard changes
Blueprint in inventory is still 2 wooden boxes, not the original 4 even though we wanted to discard changes
20240103062823_1.jpg (1.18 MiB) Viewed 619 times
What should happen instead

The changes to the blueprint should be reverted. In the example, the blueprint should remain as 4 boxes.
Perhaps when the user clicks X, there should be a dialog box confirming "There are unsaved changes, do you want to discard?" or to similar effect.

Re: [1.1.100] Blueprint overwritten despite not clicking "Save blueprint"

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 8:49 pm
by Loewchen

Re: [1.1.100] Blueprint overwritten despite not clicking "Save blueprint"

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 9:35 pm
by tensheapz
Thanks for linking, I could not find the duplicate despite searching.

I would suggest that if this is by design / a technical limitation, that the GUI can be instead be improved so that it does not act contrary to expectations