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What do you hope to see in 2.0

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 2:23 am
by Theisen
What is something (Game mechanic, content, progresssion, etc, etc) you want to see added to the game in the DLC/2.0; in a concise statement?

I will go first.

I would like to see have a way to remotely build mining outpost. As it stands currently in order to place mining outpost you have to manually place blueprints, then manually move Spider-trons to build rail. Easy way to implement "remotely build mining outpost" would be to do the following to things.
  • Add functionality to drag place rail blueprints, User creates blueprints to be tiled [Vertical blueprint, Horizontal blueprint, diagonal blueprint, intersection blueprint].(A good POC, would be FARL but in the overworld map instead of having to be in a engine.)
  • When construction is queued outside of roboport range, task spidertrons to travel too and build construction commands.
NOTE: Gating this functionality behind Spider-trons would make it so its not too overpowered, and much easier to expand with a megabase in post endgame.

Re: What do you hope to see in 2.0

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 5:29 am
by FuryoftheStars
There's a suggestion subforum for this type of stuff.

Also, your first idea is already possible.

Re: What do you hope to see in 2.0

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 8:22 am
by Koub
@OP : I'll consider this thread is more like an open discussion, and let it here. Mind, however, that if everyone goes with their own desiderata in the same thread, it will probably become messy at some point.

If you want to suggest/request the devs something added/changed in the game, feel free to open a thread in the Ideas and Suggestion.

If you want me to move this into Ideas and Suggestions, I advise you to reformulate the original post and subject to explain exactly what you want (you should definitely use the suggestion template for that), and PM me so that I move your thread to the right subforum.