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Lock moving of blueprints only on vertical or horizontal axis with modifier key.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 4:27 pm
by Saippuakauppias
Lock moving of blueprints only on vertical or horizontal axis with modifier key.

What ?
Aligning blueprints can sometimes be difficult especially on big screens. It would be much easier if normal drawing program functionality: locking direction is implemented.

f.ex. if I want to copy something and want it to be exactly same vertical position but move it only horizontally I can select what I want, press and hold modifier key and now direction where my mouse first moves is locked and I cannot accidentally move blueprint vertically.
Why ?
I believe that there must be others who suffer that 'one tile off' syndrome. This kind of functionality is already implemented on belt placement and it works great.

Re: Lock moving of blueprints only on vertical or horizontal axis with modifier key.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 4:57 pm
by FuryoftheStars
Huh. Me, I typically either use the Snap to Grid -> Relative options on the blueprint and set the Grid Size according to the spacing that I want, or I just don't use the mouse and instead use wasd to move myself or the map view accordingly.

Not against the suggestion, but just wanted to put that out there as I don't much see the point/need for it, either. Similar to the new belt mechanic.

Re: Lock moving of blueprints only on vertical or horizontal axis with modifier key.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 5:53 pm
by Koub
FuryoftheStars wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2023 4:57 pm Huh. Me, I typically either use the Snap to Grid -> Relative options on the blueprint and set the Grid Size according to the spacing that I want, or I just don't use the mouse and instead use wasd to move myself or the map view accordingly.
Same for me when I care about "placing a tileable blueprint". The only issue I have with that is I spend a considerable amount of time finding the right values., especially when I want custom anchor point, and blueprints with exotic shapes.