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Inconsistent 'defaults' of Shift+Ctrl+C edit blueprint Train stop name vs. basic Ctrl+C

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:17 am
by CorBlimey
Ctrl+C drag select an area including a station copies it to clipboard as a blueprint. This includes train stop name (which is nice)

Shift+Ctrl+C drag select an area brings up a window to edit the blueprint (which is nice). This lets you select/deselect train stop name (which is nice). However, different to the basic Ctrl+C, the Train stop name is Deselected by default (which is inconsistent).

Please make the default check boxes in the quick-blueprint edit window be consistent with the behaviour of quick-blueprinting without edit window :)

Many times I have Shift+ctrl+c'd because i wanted to e.g. remove a few entities before storing as a blueprint, but I forget to tell it to remember train stop names (as regular ctrl+C remembers it so my muscle memory assumes the default is consistent, while it is not)

Re: Inconsistent 'defaults' of Shift+Ctrl+C edit blueprint Train stop name vs. basic Ctrl+C

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 2:56 pm
by BicycleEater
Yeah, I'd second this - generally I really want train stop names remembered, and if I don't its for specific reasons.
I'd love this to be the case for all blueprints...