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Simple QOL: quickly set filter to inserter and yellow chest

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 1:04 pm
by gobsan
What ?
WHAT do you suggest? What is your idea that should be changed? Explain in detail your idea.
Be able to: Shift + RC to "copy" building recipe (item) -> Shift + LC to "filter" that item on any given inserter OR yellow chest (just like on requester, but w/o the number of the items).
Why ?
WHY do you think it increases the value of Factorio as a game?
- If you want to set it this way (pic) - yellow outgoing chest with a filter (to make sure this kind of item is returned here if there are any lying around) OR/AND you want to make sure not too many are produced (and they are available to the log network), you'll need something like that.
- you don't want to cap chest (red squares, instead of a filter), because items won't be returned and you still want an outgoing chest since you want items to be available to the network.
- All you want is a little yellow chest with the name of that item on it and a few items inside but being able to collect any extra if that happens.
- Every time you set almost any item this way, you go through the following steps:
1. Set generic assembly BB
2. Set item (can't avoid)
3. Shift RC -> Shift + LC that item to requester chest (great!)
4. Set logic on the inserter, either feeder or receiver, with X items max (like 1 item in the network, in the pic).
set condition to inserter every time
set condition to inserter every time
Screenshot 2023-09-06 153452.png (324.59 KiB) Viewed 1621 times
5. Set logic to receiving chest -> filter
Screenshot 202113-09-06 155217.png
Screenshot 202113-09-06 155217.png (472.79 KiB) Viewed 1621 times
- I'm suggesting a QOL feature that will speed up 4+5

PS You will still need to set up the inserter amount and condition, but it looks like unavoidable.

Re: Simple QOL: quickly set filter to inserter and yellow chest

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 1:21 pm
by aka13
It's obvious that the storage chest in your example should be a passive provider chest, but setting same filters as on inserter with right click would be nice, agreed.

Re: Simple QOL: quickly set filter to inserter and yellow chest

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 11:55 pm
by sorahn
why should it obviously be a passive provider chest?

I _much_ prefer to just have all the items return to the box they were made in than just sit around in an unorganized central storage.

I only use passive providers for intermediate's that I'm positive are continually consumed.

Re: Simple QOL: quickly set filter to inserter and yellow chest

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 1:46 pm
by aka13
You get an additional priority layer that way, and a way to change sources geograpically. You can have separate main storage, where items would get pulled from in a prioritized fashion, without having to worry being limited to 1 container, overflows and returning parts from construction are easier to consume/deal with that way, in my experience.

With the jetpack it's propably not an issue, but with different, bigger-volume items with dual purpose, the issues arise more often.

Re: Simple QOL: quickly set filter to inserter and yellow chest

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 11:22 am
by Illiander42
You can get a lot of use out of "poor man's buffer chests" by using storage chests with filters set.

A standard setup for mall outputs for yellow belts is to go into a storage chest with the filter set and the input inserter wired for quantity control.

Re: Simple QOL: quickly set filter to inserter and yellow chest

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:16 pm
by aka13
Illiander42 wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 11:22 am You can get a lot of use out of "poor man's buffer chests" by using storage chests with filters set.

A standard setup for mall outputs for yellow belts is to go into a storage chest with the filter set and the input inserter wired for quantity control.
I refuse to adopt buffer chests, they have no place in my heart :D

Re: Simple QOL: quickly set filter to inserter and yellow chest

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 11:56 pm
by Kaeto
This is probably my #1 request for 2.0/SA. Passive providers are kind of useless, I use storage chests for everything to keep clean and avoid overproduction, but it's really obnoxious manually setting the filter for each one of them. Copy paste from assembler recipe to storage chest would be extremely useful.

I also agree with the suggestion of pasting the same thing to the left side of an inserter. It's one of the most tedious aspects of building out a factory. I would suggest that it also set the right side to one stack, at least if that side is empty.

Re: Simple QOL: quickly set filter to inserter and yellow chest

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 3:08 am
by FuryoftheStars
Not that I'm against this, but it just feels like a way to make a clunky solution more bearable to solve another problem: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=102615

Copy filter between storage chest and inserter

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 6:51 am
by Vozw
It would be convenient to be able to copy a filter between storage chests (and other types of chests) and inserters.
An example use would be inserters removing items from a mixed cargo wagon into filtered storage chests.

The logic might be:
When copying from a logistic chest or inserter, build a list of all items in a filter/request in the order they appear.
When copying to a logistic chest or inserter, set the requests/filters (just the first one if there's only one option, like the storage chest, and requests default to 1 stack of the item)

Whether generalized or not, currently copying between filtered inserters and storage chests does nothing, so at least that one perhaps!

Re: Simple QOL: quickly set filter to inserter and yellow chest

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 8:53 am
by Koub
[Koub] Merged a couple threads with similar suggestions.