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<Switch> Blueprint importing
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 11:06 am
by Melodi-of-Crystals
Does anyone know a way, or have ideas to create a way, to import blueprints for switch players?
As far as I'm aware, the few methods are as follows.
- Copy a BP book from a multiplayer game
- Manually recreate the blueprint
- Connect a USB keyboard and type the entire string manually
While the first requires you to find someone willing to help, The second two options are either difficult if you don't understand the concept or know all the circuit conditions included, or are incredibly tedious. I personally can't imagine typing in the entire string for a blueprint, especially when some can be many thousands or sometimes hundreds of thousands of characters long. And I don't have enough understanding of how a nuclear plant works to try to develop circuit conditions to run it properly.
TLDR: Does anyone know an easier way than brute force or relying on others?
Re: <Switch> Blueprint importing
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 8:42 pm
by atomizer
Just an idea, can you use the switch browser ( to get bp strings directly from the internet?
Re: <Switch> Blueprint importing
Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 2:20 pm
by Bilka
- Connect a USB keyboard and type the entire string manually
Both this and the method in the second post are not possible because the switch version doesnt have the "import string" shortcut - even if you somehow get the text, you have no field to type it in.
The doing it via mp (first option) does not need a second person, you can just join your own game. See for instructions:
Using multiplayer, the following way: Go to Settings -> Other on both devices and make sure your "LAN player name" is not identical. You might need to temporarily log out to change it. Select "Host saved game" and host a game with the save file you want to transfer. Uncheck "Public", check "LAN" and uncheck "Verify user identity". Connect to the game using "Browse LAN games" and then save the game. Remember that very large maps will run slow, not load at all or even crash the game. You can for example transfer the blueprints by placing them in the "Game blueprints" tab of the Blueprint library before saving.
Re: <Switch> Blueprint importing
Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 3:54 am
by Melodi-of-Crystals
I don't have the pc version of Factorio to connect to myself sadly.
Re: <Switch> Blueprint importing
Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 12:51 pm
by AceMcCloud
Odds are that you can find a kind soul to host for you.
Re: <Switch> Blueprint importing
Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 1:46 pm
by Melodi-of-Crystals
I'm hoping so. I'm struggling to learn how everything works currently and the wiki is helpful only once I figure out how to find what I'm not understanding. I'm trying to get a decent bp book for a starting base that cleanly upgrades into a train base since big bot networks don't work well on switch.
Re: <Switch> Blueprint importing
Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 2:34 pm
by Tertius
Melodi-of-Crystals wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 1:46 pm
I'm hoping so. I'm struggling to learn how everything works currently and the wiki is helpful only once I figure out how to find what I'm not understanding. I'm trying to get a decent bp book for a starting base that cleanly upgrades into a train base since big bot networks don't work well on switch.
I recommend you don't get "a decent bp book". Especially if you just got the game. Instead, explore the game item per item, learn how to tackle the challenges, and create your own blueprints. That's the core of the game, in my personal opinion. Do start from zero and do all stuff yourself.
I seek for inspiration by inspecting screenshots from other people, but I don't copy and instead do create all my blueprints myself. This is what is much fun at least for me.
The only blueprints one could copy are balancer blueprints, because this is something that has been investigated and optimized so thoroughly by the community in the past years, there is simply one generic set of balancers that cannot be optimized more. Since balancers are small modules not very complex, it should be no problem to look at screenshots and arrange the belts yourself, then create the corresponding blueprint.
Re: <Switch> Blueprint importing
Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:44 pm
by Diggs
Hi there - I am not new to the game but I do only have the switch version. I was hoping to have some help with saving some specific blue print books.
Looking to get the Nilaus Masterclass saved, as well as the Raynquist Balancer Book. Is there anyway someone could help host a game for me that I can join on switch and then save them?
Re: <Switch> Blueprint importing
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2024 8:44 pm
by FritzHugo3
I have no switch - just an idear.
Go to the Editor, put all BP Stuff at the ground. give the Scenario the switch man and he make her own BP.
(Or can switch user get files in the installation director)?
Re: <Switch> Blueprint importing
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2024 10:18 pm
by FuryoftheStars
FritzHugo3 wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2024 8:44 pm
(Or can switch user get files in the installation director)?
As far as I know: no. That's why it's an issue for them.
Re: <Switch> Blueprint importing
Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2024 9:48 pm
by Melodi-of-Crystals
Diggs wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:44 pm
Hi there - I am not new to the game but I do only have the switch version. I was hoping to have some help with saving some specific blue print books.
Looking to get the Nilaus Masterclass saved, as well as the Raynquist Balancer Book. Is there anyway someone could help host a game for me that I can join on switch and then save them?
Actually I've been looking for these books as well, one thing you could do is join a game with a friend who's on PC and have them upload those books to the game library, or drop copies of them to you.
Currently there's no way to load them into switch otherwise, without building it yourself from the images.