Factorio Lua API Docs
Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 8:44 pm
The Factorio provides documentation for its API in the two formats -- HTML (Web) and JSON.
However, most IDEs require specific format for the built-in functions, and for Lua it's LuaDoc or LDoc (which is newer version of LuaDoc).
I was unable to find any on the Internet, so I've created parser for that.
Posting it here for sharing purposes.

The CI and automated releases are not yet set up, so I've prepared a precompiled archive for versions 1.1.80 .. 1.1.82
If you want to use it by yourself, there arethree two ways to do so:
However, most IDEs require specific format for the built-in functions, and for Lua it's LuaDoc or LDoc (which is newer version of LuaDoc).
I was unable to find any on the Internet, so I've created parser for that.
Posting it here for sharing purposes.
Factorio LuaDocs Generator

- Source Code: https://gitlab.com/Hares-Lab/tools/fact ... -generator
- Precompiled LuaDocs: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/hl4RPLKKP-ph9w

The CI and automated releases are not yet set up, so I've prepared a precompiled archive for versions 1.1.80 .. 1.1.82
Feature not yet implemented are marked inIf you want to use it by yourself, there are
- Download the precompiled archive from the attachments above or
from the releases section on GitLaband extract it. - Download and install tool source code, then compile the required version. Full details on the ReadMe of the repository
Install tool from PyPI via pip