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Factorio inspired game... but you build *everything*

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 1:08 am
by Liber0
Hi all, Factorio fan here.
Been working over the last couple years on a sandbox game in which you build ... everything.
The goal of the game is to build a network of outposts to combat evil governments but more on that later.

You start with few parts and a 3d printer, and first you need to build various machines.
You use those machines to expand your first outpost, collect materials and increase your production capacity and knowledge.

I have an alpha and will participate in the upcoming Steam Next Fest.
For now in the alpha, you can build various machines and use them to complete a short mission.
Will add automation and outpost expansion for the beta.

Would love to have factorio players try it :)
If you'd like to test the alpha you can add yourself here:

And you can wishlist here: ... Maker_Way/

We should have a stable alpha version really soon!

Re: Factorio inspired game... but you build *everything*

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 2:52 pm
by aka13
I understand you want to have max exposure for your project, but this has nothing in common with factorio.
Like literally zero. You could say minecraft is like factorio, because in 10 years maybe they will add boilers.

Re: Factorio inspired game... but you build *everything*

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 7:23 pm
by Tertius
Come on, just from the trailer it isn't clear how much Factorio is in it. As far as I see it, Factorio's core is a simulation of real world logistics, production and automation, embedded in a set of slightly simplified natural laws of physics. The way the game mechanics and simulated physics laws are implemented make it as much a factory simulation of the real world as a game.

How "real" the simulation in that new game is, we don't know. If it is as true to reality as Factorio, and if you go from tiny to big, and you can automate production, it has definitely some similarity to Factorio.

The setting and the hinted story reminds me of the novels "Daemon" and "Darknet" from Daniel Suarez. However, to be true to these novels, the game has to be an MMO or at least the simulation of an MMO.

Re: Factorio inspired game... but you build *everything*

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 9:34 pm
by aka13
Screenshots and videos look like a bad copy of besiege.
Totally going to be logistics and production management, swear on me mum!

Re: Factorio inspired game... but you build *everything*

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 4:53 am
by Liber0
First, I really appreciate the replies and the feedback!
Definitely going to check "Daemon" and "Darknet" by Suarez.
I needed to be more clear about the relation to Factorio in the original post.

The game (even in alpha) has an important layer of simulation to it.
Currently in Alpha, the simulation has only two aspects - energy production/consumption and alert systems.
As an example, every energy dependent object in the game needs to get its energy from somewhere.
So when you build your outpost, you need to think about energy production and supply so everything keeps running smoothly.

So while you will not be building a factory, you will need to build a self sufficient Maker Outpost.
This will include automating material collection (using robots/rovers that *you* design), material production, energy and so on.

Hope that clarifies and thanks again for the feedback!

Re: Factorio inspired game... but you build *everything*

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 1:16 pm
by FuryoftheStars
Not really looking or paying much attention to anything else, the idea of actually fully designing every little thing used doesn't appeal to me. It feels very different to me than designing a factory.

Re: Factorio inspired game... but you build *everything*

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 9:27 pm
by Liber0
Yes, that makes sense.
But my thesis is that if you can design a more efficient boiler (taking an example from Factorio), and share it with other players, then the community can iterate together on designs and improve everything. Some players might be just using designs from other players for parts / buildings they don't want to create themselves.

It's a tall order since you need to go one level deeper in the system design but since I view this as a long term project, it's worthwhile.