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[1.1.77] Underground pipe ghosts delete pipe ghost

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 7:28 am
by Kolt93
Underground pipe ghosts delete pipe ghost when placed both sides of it.
Placing underground pipe ghosts first then pipe ghost inbetween works normal.

Re: [1.1.77] Underground pipe ghosts delete pipe ghost

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 8:16 am
by boskid
Thanks for the report. Pipe-to-ground placement that finishes a pair is expected to remove all pipes in between if there are pipes on every tile between pipe-to-ground ends and pipes in between have no perpendicular connections. This behavior is primarily useful when you have long sections of pipes and you are replacing them with pipe-to-grounds.

Issue here is slightly different, ghost pipes do not connect to nearby pipes so they do not know they should be protected (as they would have a perpendicular connection after revive). That would be a huge code change and i am not going to do that in 1.1.x. This issue is already fixed for 1.2.0.