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Which mods for compact/clean builds?

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:06 pm
by zOldBulldog
After having solved and built most of the typical contraptions a few times I now like to make clean, simple and well ordered builds. Cleanliness and compactness also enables me to focus on more advanced engineering.

Below is the set of mods I am using for spaghetti reduction. All of them save on space and mess, but require extra resources and assembler time in return. I tend to use these mods only at specific locations like stations, while keeping most of my builds vanilla.

I am wondering if there are other mods that I should consider?

LTN - for cleaner train handling. (

Bulk Loaders - Better than chests and inserters, makes stations simpler/cleaner and its large buffer helps with supply. I also use it as a temporary "huge chest" during redesigns. (

Miniloaders - Full belt "inserters". Major station spaghetti reduction. (

Luzivras Factorio Power - Allows me to condense solar arrays to a single panel and accumulator. (

Note... I posted this originally in another forum but got no replies. Hoping for better results here.

Re: Which mods for compact/clean builds?

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 10:52 am
by disentius
Miniloaders: The in-built loaders in factorio now support loading/unloading trains, and are a lighter load on UPS. I suggest using aai loaders, or optera's loader redux as replacement

LTN: there is a new train,manager, worth a check: Cybersyn.

To check your builds and help plan output: Rate calculator and bottlerneck lite from raiguard

Unspaghetti mining: Mining drones by Klonan

Re: Which mods for compact/clean builds?

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 9:28 pm
by 1WheelDude
I havent played factorismo, but that seems like its up your alley for compactness lol