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Could not establish network communication with server, everybody else can

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 6:27 pm
by PepsyDK

I am not able to connect to a friends factorio game. This has never been an issue before. When I try, I either get an error saying "Could not establish network communication with server" or I might get in, but the game is lagging too much to play and I eventually get dropped from the server.

I am able to play everything else, watch streams, etc. and have a great connection, >900Mbps in both download and upload. 5 other players are connecting and playing without any issues. We have tried me hosting, then nobody was able to join. And we have tried several others hosting, still with the same issues for me.

As I mentioned, I have never had this issue with factorio before and I have played a lot of multiplayer over the years with 1500+ hours of playtime.

It is windows 10 on stable version 1.1.76

Anybody know a fix or how I can troubleshoot this?