Massive FPS drop when hovering over logistics chests
Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:42 am
Hello, I'm using the force-opengl setting 'true' because I kept getting game crashes of this nature:
The popup suggests use OpenGL, which, afterwards my graphics look real nice, but when I hover over logistics chests, my FPS/UPS drops from around 35 down to the teens.
Not sure which to troubleshoot, the crash or this UPS/FPS issue with logistics chests.
Code: Select all
45.704 D3D11_ERROR: IDXGISwapChain::Present failed in GraphicsInterfaceDX11::swapBuffers on line 1926. Error [0x887a0005] - DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED
45.704 GetDeviceRemovedReason(): [0x887a0007] DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET
Not sure which to troubleshoot, the crash or this UPS/FPS issue with logistics chests.