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Downgrade Assem to V1, still has module ghosts?

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 7:46 am
by evopwr
Hi team,

1. Placed Blueprint, with Assembler3's, that have 1 module. No robots, so ghost only.
2. Used an Upgrade Planner to "downgrade" Assembler 3 ghosts, to Assemblers 1 ghosts.
3. Hot placed Assembler 1's over the ghost.

Now its showing module ghosts are needed in the Assemblers 1s, which cant be right, because Assemblers 1s dont have modules?


Re: Downgrade Assem to V1, still has module ghosts?

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 2:28 pm
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report. The module requests will be cleared when a robot tries to deliver them if they aren't valid at the time it happens. The game does not try to validate them when you change them in the blueprint/ghost form.

Re: Downgrade Assem to V1, still has module ghosts?

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 6:05 am
by evopwr
Thanks :)
And man I'd die for some news of what you guys are up to...
Feels like you've disappeared..

Re: Downgrade Assem to V1, still has module ghosts?

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 9:15 am
by wobbycarly
Fortunately, I did a search and found this issue before I reported it again!

In my case, I had a Mk3 assembler ghost with 4 level 1 speed mods. I downgraded to a Mk2 and the 2 speed modules were delivered (after I hand-crafted them), and the module request icon remains. This is really confusing.

2023-10-27 20_10_01-Factorio 1.1.94.png
2023-10-27 20_10_01-Factorio 1.1.94.png (557.15 KiB) Viewed 916 times

So I made another speed module, and the bot just kept going back and forth... Sorry I can't make a video, but here's another screenshot. (Actually after I alt-tabbed between the forum and the game, the module request was gone, but I don't know how long it took.)

2023-10-27 20_12_14-Factorio 1.1.94.png
2023-10-27 20_12_14-Factorio 1.1.94.png (640.34 KiB) Viewed 916 times