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Train Crash from Destination Change While Inside Junction

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 9:52 pm
by bcwhite
Factorio v1.1.74 (steam/win64)

I'm experimenting with loop junctions and long trains (100 cars). The signalling within the loop junction is all chain signals so the train reserves its path before ever entering.

However, I recently witnessed (and can reproduce) a case where the train changed destinations while part way through a U-turn, attempted to loop 540 degrees instead, and crashed into itself. I believe, but cannot verify, that the change occurred because of a train-limit change on the original destination. Instead of continuing along its original path through the junction, it immediately generated a new path to the new destination and did something it wasn't supposed to do. It didn't attempt to stop; it was actually accelerating the whole time.

I have a save just before the train enters the junction. I have mods installed but this particular train and its stations are all vanilla.

Re: Train Crash from Destination Change While Inside Junction

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 10:41 pm
by Loewchen

Re: Train Crash from Destination Change While Inside Junction

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:10 pm
by robot256
Trains can never path to avoid their own tails.
This is simply a reason to avoid loop junctions. You could maybe try removing all the signals inside the junction, but that limits throughput.

Trains don't lose their reservation at a station when the train limit decreases, only if the station becomes disabled.

Re: Train Crash from Destination Change While Inside Junction

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 3:31 am
by bcwhite
Thanks for the pointer. I suspected that might be the case and already have plans to fix my design.