Game exiting immediately at startup, "Steam requires game restart"
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 8:44 am
Game downloads and installs fine. When I hit Play in steam it looks like it starts and immediately quits.
I open a CLI and start the binary manually:
Attaching the logs here, can't see anything particularly interesting in them.
Tried to run a file verification on steam, which reports back all files successfully validated.
I open a CLI and start the binary manually:
The game doesn't restart though, but just terminates here.$ ./bin/x64/factorio
0.000 Initializing Steam API. line 122: DISTRIB_RELEASE: unbound variable line 122: DISTRIB_RELEASE: unbound variable[1931]: Running Steam on gentoo 64-bit line 122: DISTRIB_RELEASE: unbound variable[1931]: STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically[2003]: Steam runtime environment up-to-date![1931]: Steam client's requirements are satisfied
0.000 Steam requires game restart, restarting...
Attaching the logs here, can't see anything particularly interesting in them.
Tried to run a file verification on steam, which reports back all files successfully validated.