[1.1.61] Active entities count doesn't match - Error on loading screen
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 10:55 pm
I have been playing Factorio [1.1.61] with the Space Exploration Mods. Factorio updated and I got a similar error. So I reverted back and kept both Factorio and all Mods un-updated. After that I was able to add both Miniloaders & FluidMustFlow mods with no issues and continued to play on [1.1.61] with all the mods un-updated for about 2 months. Recently, I needed Helmod to finish the game and this is where I am getting stuck. I downloaded Helmod through the MOD screen within the Factorio start menu and it restarts the game per usual and when i get to where there is a loading bar i get the error (error.png attached below)
I tried to update factorio and mods to latest version and get same error. I posted all of this on both Space Exploration and Helmod forum and they both reviewed and said it was not the mod and to try this forum. They both referenced this line from within the log - 282.274 Error Map.cpp
Active entities count doesn't match. Current: 1262733, expected 1262734 - I looked through this forum and i saw where Rseding91 found one bit on a loader screwed up a save file, see link to that thread below.
Link to thread - viewtopic.php?f=35&t=103657&p=575237&hi ... ch#p575237
I love the game and it is working I am just unable to load this mod. I've been told my save is corrupt and researched this forum and it looks like sometimes its due to hardware or overclocking. I am playing on a high end rig that has no overclocking.
Thank you so much in advance for any help, you guys are great!
Thanks again,
log.txt - Log file (renamed as it was shared multiple times)
error.png - Error received after pressing load and loading bar finishes
Links (files too big)
Entire Factorio game folder here - Redacted
Mods zipped - https://www.dropbox.com/s/b20j5oa4igpjmrd/mods.zip?dl=0
Current save file - https://www.dropbox.com/s/yyq8wp0nyh6fp ... y.zip?dl=0
I tried to update factorio and mods to latest version and get same error. I posted all of this on both Space Exploration and Helmod forum and they both reviewed and said it was not the mod and to try this forum. They both referenced this line from within the log - 282.274 Error Map.cpp
Link to thread - viewtopic.php?f=35&t=103657&p=575237&hi ... ch#p575237
I love the game and it is working I am just unable to load this mod. I've been told my save is corrupt and researched this forum and it looks like sometimes its due to hardware or overclocking. I am playing on a high end rig that has no overclocking.
Thank you so much in advance for any help, you guys are great!
Thanks again,
log.txt - Log file (renamed as it was shared multiple times)
error.png - Error received after pressing load and loading bar finishes
Links (files too big)
Entire Factorio game folder here - Redacted
Mods zipped - https://www.dropbox.com/s/b20j5oa4igpjmrd/mods.zip?dl=0
Current save file - https://www.dropbox.com/s/yyq8wp0nyh6fp ... y.zip?dl=0