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[Donion] [1.1.70] Audio of firing Flamethrower Turret only comes from right side in stereo/headphones.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 4:01 am
by Moleculor
1. Be near-ish a Flamethrower Turret that is about to fire.
2. Be sure the Flamethrower Turret is to your character's left.
3. Be wearing headphones.
4. Listen to the Flamethrower's "click-whooorrrrrrsh" as it engages it's stream of flaming hot crude oil.
5. Notice that the sound is coming from your right, no matter where you stand.

Other audio seems to be positioned mostly-okay (ish), stereo-wise, but the Flamethrower Turret's *firing* sound seems to come from the right, always.

Example video with bullet-turret firing sounds coming from the left, flamethrower turret firing sounds coming from the right, despite both being to the left. Tested in Sandbox mode, but I noticed it in the standard game, which is why I tested it in sandbox to begin with.

Re: [Donion] [1.1.70] Audio of firing Flamethrower Turret only comes from right side in stereo/headphones.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 1:09 pm
by Donion
Thank you for the report, well spotted. The issue is now fixed for the next release.