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IDE integration

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 2:13 am
by that_1_nerd
Hey yalls,
So As I am starting to dabble my feet into the moding waters, I find myself getting tied up in basic errors. I find that using something like Intelisense or Something of the sort helps a lot. Is there a way to tell VSCode or Intellij how factorio forms its prototypes? Or am I dreaming a little too big?

Thanks for enduring my questions!

Re: IDE integration

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 1:11 pm
by PFQNiet
There's an entire extension for VSCode which takes care of everything from autocomplete to changelog syntax checking. If you use EmmyDoc comments (eg ---@type LuaEntity) you can tell it what your variables contain and get even more autocompletion. A little extra setup allows you to launch the game with specific mods enabled to help test compatibility options. It's incredible!

It should just show up if you search Factorio in the extension list. It's the one with a "No biters" sign :D

Re: IDE integration

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 5:24 pm
by that_1_nerd
Yo thanks for directing me to it! I had been using Intellij for my development and didn't think about searching in vs code plugins.