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[1.1.69] Inserter unable to take item from belt if in a bend

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 8:57 am
by Guru7
Yellow inserter fails to grab an Item from a yellow belt, if :

-the inserter is placed on the outside of a bend of the belt (see description below)
-the items on the belt come in single entities. (as soon as there are 2 items close to each other, the inserter will grab the second one successfully)
-the item is on the far end of the belt.

All other inserter types manage to grab the item wit ease, so I think its a Bug?

Situation: <--.L
the "L" is the belt, Items are coming from north, leaving to the east, the "." is inserters position, the arrow indicates the direction the inserter should drag the item from the belt.

Replicated the bug several times in vanilla game, see video clip.
Inserter fails to grab item.mp4
(2.53 MiB) Downloaded 69 times
Thanks for creating such a great game!

Re: [1.1.69] Inserter unable to take item from belt if in a bend

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 11:39 am
by Loewchen