Please increase projectile "piercing damage" with ammo technology
Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 3:49 am
Projectiles that do piercing damage do not scale their piercing damage with technology improvements. In vanilla, this means that basic tank shells are physically incapable of piercing two Big Biters regardless of how many technologies you've researched. This is unintuitive because each level of the infinite "Projectile Damage" technology boosts the damage by 100%. It feels like doubling damage output should also allow it to pierce twice as many things as before.
Here's an old thread talking about it
I noticed this when making a mod that adds a new piercing style projectile that's available much earlier in the game. But after writing this up it feels like a bug with the base game.
Here's an old thread talking about it
I noticed this when making a mod that adds a new piercing style projectile that's available much earlier in the game. But after writing this up it feels like a bug with the base game.