[1.1.59] Corrupt map: unknown tile 255. Chunk{38, -20}
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 9:15 am
I played Factorio. I started the rocket, and decided to play further.
When i was placing tubes and belts, i got the error message that the savegame could not be created, because of the save game will be corrupted.
Now i can not load the save game.
When i try to load the game, it gives me the following message, after loading the savegame.
Corrupt map: unknwon tile 255. Chunk {38, -20}
I can not recreat the bug, because i dont know how i created the errormessage.
I can provide the savegame with the error. I can provide the savegame before the error occured. The error occured after ~62 hours of gaming.
The Savegame with the name 043 is loadable and playable. the savegames 044 and 045 are not loadable.
I play without any addons/extensions/mods.
I had no bluescreens, and no other problems with my hardware. All other games are running normally.
Actually i have 750+ gaming hours with factorio.
Do you need any further informations?
Kind regards
When i was placing tubes and belts, i got the error message that the savegame could not be created, because of the save game will be corrupted.
Now i can not load the save game.
When i try to load the game, it gives me the following message, after loading the savegame.
Corrupt map: unknwon tile 255. Chunk {38, -20}
I can not recreat the bug, because i dont know how i created the errormessage.
I can provide the savegame with the error. I can provide the savegame before the error occured. The error occured after ~62 hours of gaming.
The Savegame with the name 043 is loadable and playable. the savegames 044 and 045 are not loadable.
I play without any addons/extensions/mods.
I had no bluescreens, and no other problems with my hardware. All other games are running normally.
Actually i have 750+ gaming hours with factorio.
Do you need any further informations?
Kind regards