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[Request] Unique player ID for authed players

Posted: Tue May 31, 2022 5:02 pm
by Cleo
A little backstory
Several years ago, (I've mainly found posts in 2015 and 2016), someone requested that authed players could be identified by some sort of unique ID that is the same amongsts servers, and not their name, to avoid ban evasion. At the time, it got rejected because multiplayers communities weren't what they are today, and because changing name was an exceptionnal process requiring human intervention, which you were only able to do once, IIRC.
Todays situation
Today, the rules for changing name is "once every 3 months", which is a lot more lax. The ban-evasion from a single server isn't big enough to justify adding a UUID, however, with the growing multiplayer communities, there has been shared banlists going around. There are mixed opinions about them, but they exist. They rely on names being immutable, but they're not.

There's also the fact that some communities have setup mods/scenarios to track stats of players, have different rank systems, sometimes XP, you name it, accross multiple servers. The current situation makes it so when you change your name, you have to tell an admin, which will have to replicate said changes not only in [white/admin/ban]lists, but in the databases used to store player-specific progress. This is a lot of work, and not being able to automate it, as programmers, is almost as frustrating as having to manually reflect changes in DB and hope we don't break something on the way. UUIDs being 128bits, the impact on savefiles is negligible

Could you had a field on LuaPlayer class that would contain such a UUID?