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[1.1.59] Mods refuse to load

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 12:05 am
by HyPeX
Hello, i'm posting here because i'm loosing my mind over this. I cannot seemingly get my mods to load, and there's no error or reason why in the logs.

Heres my server logs:

Code: Select all

  0.001 2022-05-28 20:48:11; Factorio 1.1.59 (build 59719, win64, full)
   0.002 Operating system: Windows 10 (build 19042) 
   0.002 Program arguments: "./bin/x64/Factorio.exe" "--start-server" "./saves/" "--server-settings" "server-settings.json" "--mod-directory" "./mods" "--server-adminlist" "./server-adminlist.json" 
   0.002 Read data path: C:/Users/Tomas Breuer/Desktop/bot/Factorio/data
   0.003 Write data path: C:/Users/Tomas Breuer/Desktop/bot/Factorio [105937/476364MB]
   0.003 Binaries path: C:/Users/Tomas Breuer/Desktop/bot/Factorio/bin
   0.010 System info: [CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor, 16 cores, RAM: 21533/32684 MB, page: 41864/53216 MB, virtual: 4247/134217727 MB, extended virtual: 0 MB]
   0.011 Running in headless mode
   0.081 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   0.127 Loading mod base 1.1.59 (data.lua)
   0.384 Loading mod base 1.1.59 (data-updates.lua)
   0.486 Checksum for core: 1636702648
   0.487 Checksum of base: 3206512929
   0.487 Checksum of stdlib: 0
   0.651 Prototype list checksum: 3034860339
   0.703 Info PlayerData.cpp:71: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1653780934
   0.704 Info PlayerData.cpp:78: Cloud player-data.json unavailable
   0.706 Factorio initialised
   0.708 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:31: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(0) initialized Synchronizer nextTickClosureTick(0).
   0.708 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:796: updateTick(4294967295) changing state from(Ready) to(PreparedToHostGame)
   0.708 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:796: updateTick(4294967295) changing state from(PreparedToHostGame) to(CreatingGame)
   0.709 Loading map C:\Users\Tomas Breuer\Desktop\bot\Factorio\./saves/ 1152082 bytes.
   0.781 Loading level.dat: 1757877 bytes.
   0.784 Info Scenario.cpp:199: Map version 1.1.59-0
   0.820 Loading script.dat: 2452 bytes.
   0.825 Checksum for script C:/Users/Tomas Breuer/Desktop/bot/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 3795083680
   0.826 Info UDPSocket.cpp:27: Opening socket at (IP ADDR:({}))
   0.828 Hosting game at IP ADDR:({})
   0.830 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:54: Downloading
   1.418 Info AuthServerConnector.cpp:78: Obtained serverPadlock for serverHash (lSI3Ij1Dii7bdpMaFVJqf1sRWCPpCfct) from the auth server.
   1.420 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:796: updateTick(196) changing state from(CreatingGame) to(InGame)
   1.424 Info CommandLineMultiplayer.cpp:296: Maximum segment size = 100; minimum segment size = 25; maximum-segment-size peer count = 10; minimum-segment-size peer count = 20
  14.425 ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm (type(ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm) ) from(IP ADDR:({}))
  14.425 Refusing connection for address (IP ADDR:({})), username (HyPeXeLeD). UserVerificationMissing
  15.058 ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm (type(ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm) ) from(IP ADDR:({}))
  15.060 Refusing connection for address (IP ADDR:({})), username (HyPeXeLeD). PasswordMissing
  17.925 ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm (type(ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm) ) from(IP ADDR:({}))
  17.926 Refusing connection for address (IP ADDR:({})), username (HyPeXeLeD). PasswordMismatch
  20.058 ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm (type(ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm) ) from(IP ADDR:({}))
  20.059 Refusing connection for address (IP ADDR:({})), username (HyPeXeLeD). ModsMismatch
And how it looks ingame when i try to connect:

This is my server start bat file:

Code: Select all

"./bin/x64/Factorio.exe" --start-server "./saves/" --server-settings server-settings.json --mod-directory "./mods" --server-adminlist "./server-adminlist.json"

Re: [1.1.59] Mods refuse to load

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 1:24 am
by Rseding91
Are the mods enabled in the mod-list.json file in the mods directory?

Re: [1.1.59] Mods refuse to load

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 1:34 am
by HyPeX
Rseding91 wrote: Sun May 29, 2022 1:24 am Are the mods enabled in the mod-list.json file in the mods directory?
Yes, and i even tried deleting the mod-list.json and trying again and it still won't load them.