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[1.1.57] Game hangs after destroying entity scheduled for attack

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2022 1:43 am
by IronBadger
When a unit group attack command has been chained using defines.command.compound, if the entity that is the target of the attack is destroyed before the unit group gets to attacking it, the game hangs. I created a control.lua file that has the minimum amount of code to recreate the problem on a new game. The problem is reproducible on the current steam version with no other mods.

Steps to reproduce:
Copy attached control.lua into a mod folder
Start new game
Press tab to skip cutscene
Wait 15 seconds
Hang will be reproduced after biter kills the first tree
See comments in control.lua for more information on the sequence of events to cause the hang

Re: [1.1.57] Game hangs after destroying entity scheduled for attack

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 11:17 pm
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report. I fixed the hang, however I'm not sure what should happen in this case AI wise so you'll have to let me know if it needs more tweaks.