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Factorio crashing on startup [1.1.57]

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:52 pm
by ?V?
Factorio was working a few months back. It is miraculously no longer working. Every time I start the game, it crashes within 5 seconds and doesn't get past 4% loading. We have tried many solutions and although some have managed to keep the game open for more than 5 seconds, they're inconsistent solutions and some involved the deletion of core files (Data.lua + Data-updates.lua make the game get above 50% consistently but still crashes before reaching the menu or even music)

We have tried:
Uninstalling and Reinstalling
Removing Steam Cloud
Removing Steam Overlay
Configuring multiple different launch options
Updating Drivers
Updating Windows
Restarting Steam
Restarting PC

None of our attempts have us any closer to a solution. What's worse, the logs are not showing us any errors. We had been at this for 3 hours before conceding and I fear we won't be able to fix the problem. I have never played this game with any mods and I have never messed with the files until today.

Re: Factorio crashing on startup [1.1.57]

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:58 pm
by FuryoftheStars
Even though the logs don’t show errors, it may be good to post them anyway.

Also, as you are using Steam, try the following two as well:
Uninstall and reinstall Steam
Try downloading and installing the standalone version of the game. You should be able to link your account with your Steam account so you don’t have to repurchase.

Re: Factorio crashing on startup [1.1.57]

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:46 pm
by ?V?
Hey there,

I have already tried these steps as well and they don't seem to work unfortunately.

I thought I had already attached the logs but it seems like I didn't. I have attached them onto this message

Re: Factorio crashing on startup [1.1.57]

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 5:29 pm
by Loewchen
Post a log of the standalone version.
Have you actually tried deinstalling and reinstalling STEAM, not the game?

Re: Factorio crashing on startup [1.1.57]

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2022 1:47 pm
by ?V?
Standalone Log looks the same (sorry for not being very active on this)

I'll try reinstalling steam though I am extremely hesitant because I've never actually done so and don't want to lose anything... just for one game. I'm honestly on the edge of throwing in the towel on this but I will response today once I try this

Re: Factorio crashing on startup [1.1.57]

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2022 2:13 pm
by Loewchen
No need to reinstall steam.
Post the exact current version of your razer software and driver please and THEN try if there are updates for it. If there are no updates or updating it does not fix it, deactivate the factorio integration by editing the factorio config.ini file, see 101579.

Re: Factorio crashing on startup [1.1.57]

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 9:53 am
by ?V?
Wow, you are amazing. I updated my razer software and now it works completely fine, didn't even touch the config!

Thank you so much! I will never understand how updating colours fixes the problem but who cares, it's fixed!

Thank you again, sorry for only pinging back once a day though ><

Have a wonderful weekend!