Problem with multiple instances of Factorio
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:44 pm
Hello Guys
I have a home server that run Factorio 24/7 the game vanilla with no issue.
The moment I want to start the second server with several mods aswell I have multiple issues that I hope you can help me out.
First of all, The second server I want to start gives me the error because there's another game instance opened even after I added the following line to change the port on my .bat script:
Modded Server script
For some reason changing the port value on my second .bat script and changing the .json file is not enough.
Vanilla server script:
Now If I close the vanilla server and I start the modded server works normally BUT If I start back the vanilla server, the game loads the mods automatically that normally shouldn't and I have to manually move the mod files to not interfere with the vanilla run game.
So that being said, how can I have 2 servers opened at same time, one vanilla and one modded, each one on different ports?
The game is hosted on a windows server 2012 that is 24/7 active and I have the game files directly downloaded from (non-steam version).
I have a home server that run Factorio 24/7 the game vanilla with no issue.
The moment I want to start the second server with several mods aswell I have multiple issues that I hope you can help me out.
First of all, The second server I want to start gives me the error because there's another game instance opened even after I added the following line to change the port on my .bat script:
Modded Server script
Code: Select all
start /wait factorio.exe --start-server Krastorio_MP --port 34198 --server-settings F:\Factorio\data\server-settings.json
Vanilla server script:
Code: Select all
start /wait factorio.exe --start-server PVP --port 34197 --server-settings F:\Factorio\data\server-settings2.json
So that being said, how can I have 2 servers opened at same time, one vanilla and one modded, each one on different ports?
The game is hosted on a windows server 2012 that is 24/7 active and I have the game files directly downloaded from (non-steam version).