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Independent Minimap UI size

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 7:06 pm
by Dmytrozern
What ?
Adding UI controls for minimap size independent from general UI scale.

Why ?
At high-res monitors, we have more available space for info to be shown, but at the same time, inventory/toolbelt doesn't need to be that big since making them bigger gives no additional value. Having a bigger minimap does on the other side.

UHD 32'. Usually, I play with 100% scale, but the map at that scale is useless. If I make it 200 or 250%, however, the map is now usable, but other icons are huge at the size of a thumb, which makes it harder to quickly find something in inventory because of peripheral vision and longer mouse distance is not a great thing too.

Re: Independent Minimap UI size

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 1:40 am
by nuhll
dont know what your problem is.

i have 48"
150% and it feels normal

what you descripe is exactly what "scaleing" is for...?

Re: Independent Minimap UI size

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 5:45 am
by ssilk
Stupid question: What do you mean with map? The mini-map on the right, the default play-ground where the player is visible or the map-view when pressing m? :)

I found also eventually matching threads:
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=100770 High-DPI enhancements

viewtopic.php?f=6&t=91387 Map icon copy/paste ability and scaling

@nuhll: maybe dmy has eye problems? I’ve a college, which has glasses in the category “shoot-proofed” (he makes many jokes about it :) ). He scales the font everywhere he can to about 1-2 cm size on screen to be able to read it. Factorio is a very attractive game for handicapped people and should support that better.

Re: Independent Minimap UI size

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 9:57 am
by Dmytrozern
nuhll wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 1:40 am i have 48"
150% and it feels normal
What distance to the monitor do you sit at? I'm at ~70cm. 48" would be an excellent neck exercise with this distance :), so I guess you don't see the problem because you sit further and don't feel DPI that much.
ssilk wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 5:45 am Stupid question: What do you mean with map? The mini-map on the right, the default play-ground where the player is visible or the map-view when pressing m? :)
I'm talking only about adjusting the minimap window size on the top right of the screen. Not zoom level, icons, or map-view when pressing m. Currently, "UI scale" in settings scales all interface in the game, and I feel the minimap window deserves its own slider. And it would be much easier to code than doing adaptive DPI-wise UI like proposed in the thread you mentioned.

As for the eyes, it's actually the opposite. Since I have an ok vision and sit close to the monitor, I tend to size all UI down to use less space, but minimap is a thing that can always be big to show(I would even have a huge map on the second screen if that would be possible...and I had a second screen :lol: )

Let me know if I didn't make myself clear.

Re: Independent Minimap UI size

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 11:45 am
by nuhll
im currently too close.

60-70cm only, new custom build desktop is on the way... then i will be around 80 or 90cm

im seeing the minimap as what it is.. a minimap (only gives you rough overview where you are)

Re: Independent Minimap UI size

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 12:06 pm
by Dmytrozern
nuhll wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 11:45 am im currently too close.
60-70cm only, new custom build desktop is on the way... then i will be around 80 or 90cm
im seeing the minimap as what it is.. a minimap (only gives you rough overview where you are)
Oh, now I understand. You are on ~92PPI with a 150% UI scale, and I'm on ~138PPI with a 100% UI scale. So my minimap is ~2.27 times smaller than you have and doesn't give any good estimation of where I am or where bugs come from. And to make it bigger I need to scale all interface to 200-250%, but then inventory is a pain to look at because it's so huge(at least for me, I don't know how do you feel about that). That's the dilemma.

It's generally very nice to have a more customizable interface for people with different styles or needs. Not even mentioning different support features made by devs and modders for handicapped people as @ssilk mentioned. And sometimes it's easier than creating different setups/presets for all resolutions and ratios out there.

Re: Independent Minimap UI size

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 12:34 pm
by coppercoil
Dmytrozern wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 12:06 pm and I'm on ~138PPI with a 100% UI scale.
This forum definitely needs button "me too" "+1" :)